Frequent Flyer

Frequent Flyer

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Still a Puppy

Adrian's girlfriend, Darlene, took this picture of me before I could escape. I know I look like I'm posing, but but I'm not. Anyway, here I am at the ripe old age of almost 10. Then I'll be older than Liz and Ray!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm back!!!

In case you were wondering if I'd gone to doggie heaven, the answer is "NO!"  I'm still here. Just older, still a "puppy," as Liz reminds me. I can't help myself. Instinct just kicks in. If I smell a squirrel, I'm off. If I hear a bang or thunder, I want to hide. 

Next March I'll be 10 years old. Older than Liz. So, I'll be top dog in our house. YES!!!!


Liz and I on the bluebell trail near Manassas, Virginia