Frequent Flyer

Frequent Flyer

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Weight Update

I hate to admit it, but my mummy's "boot camp" is working. After a week of afternoon speed walks, fewer treats (except from my human dad), and more romps 'round the surrounding woods, I'm back to my fighting weight and shape. 

So, does Mum loosen things up a bit and let me get back to pigging out and lying around all day? No way. "Your challenge is to keep the weight off and stay in shape so you can take care of me in my old age," she tells me. 

I know she's no "spring chicken," but to me, she's just a tall, young two-footer with no fur or tail.  

What would life be without a tail? 


Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm in trouble (again)

I've put on weight!  My mom (who works hard to stay at her "fighting weight") says I'm turning into a fat American dog. 

So, I'm now on a "diet" (fewer treats, less generous dog food portions) and more -- much more exercise. Yesterday we walked (very fast) for more than an hour. Every time I turn around, my mum pushes me outside. "Run around! Chase squirrels!," she orders. "Burn up some calories!"

I know my mum still loves me, even if I'm a bit heavy. But I'm starving!
